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What’s the catch with those Free “Just Cover Shipping” Book Offer?
When you are browsing on social media or watching youtube videos, you are going to see lots of ads, right? And very likely, you must have seen some internet marketers or influencers promoting themselves by giving out their books for free: They will ship the book to your address, all you have to do is cover shipping.
Quite a lot of reputable people are doing this currently, and the offer seems legit. Some books are even the best-sellers, and if you look it up on Amazon, they have pretty good ratings.
Since I’m really into personal development, I find these kinds of offer irresistible. So I have ordered a couple of free books this way, and it turns out quite a few of them are top-notch quality, both the content and the book itself — I mean, I have received hard-cover books, and the paper texture feels great.
The fee they quote us is about fifteen US Dollars shipping worldwide, and I doubt that could cover printing fee, stocktake management and the freight cost itself, so they should be making next to nothing, if not making a loss by giving out free books.
Now, you might wonder why are they doing it? Is it a scam?